Weather Tightness Report


Weather tightness problems are common headaches for homeowners as they often lead to serious damage to homes. Veron provides a no-nonsense weather tightness report to help homeowners tackle these problems head-on. 

A weathertightness report is an indispensable tool in safeguarding a building against the damage caused by the unpredictable challenges of the weather. With Veron’s weathertightness report in hand, you gain the assurance that your property is inspected, assessed, and fortified by experts committed to your building’s wellbeing.

For more information or to discuss how we can help you with leaky buildings, please get in touch.

Understanding Weather Tightness Concerns

Unlike general construction complications, weathertightness issues stem from the unwanted entry of external water into your home, often leading to substantial damage over time. While historical instances of ‘leaky building’ claims predominantly involved common monolithic claddings, our experience tells a broader story. We’ve found that no cladding type is immune to failure—timber weatherboards, concrete blockwork, and metal composite panels included.

Weather Tightness Report

For many homeowners, the realisation of a leak comes too late, often when considerable damage has already been done. Recognising this, Veron Building Consultants emphasises the necessity of a meticulous and comprehensive approach to identifying cladding leaks.

What's Included in Our Weathertightness Report?

Moisture can significantly damage a building's structure, leading to problems that range from minor annoyances, such as peeling paint, to major issues, including rotting beams, joists, and siding. It is advisable to consider moisture testing for your building, especially if you reside in or near a tropical region.

  • Experts at Veron Building Consultants Auckland conduct a comprehensive examination of your building's envelope, scrutinising every nook and cranny for signs of vulnerability to water ingress. We identify potential hotspots for moisture accumulation and assess the risk level to your property, prioritising areas that require immediate attention.
  • In addition, we carry out invasive and destructive testing, along with laboratory analysis of timber and cladding samples. This careful process ensures that we not only detect the presence of leaks but also understand their extent and underlying causes.
  • Next, we provide actionable recommendations for remedying the damage to the cladding and any damage to the underlying structure. This crucial phase involves developing a comprehensive repair plan, complete with design plans, specifications, and the required building consents. Repairs could range from simple fixtures and maintenance to more significant renovations or replacements of affected components.

The Importance Of A Weathertightness Report

A weather-tightness report serves a crucial role in evaluating the ability of a building to resist water ingress, which is essential for maintaining the structural integrity and indoor air quality of the property.

It identifies areas where water may enter the building. This includes inspecting roofs, eaves, fascia boards and drip edges, walls, windows, doors, claddings, ground clearance of claddings and other potential entry points for water. The goal is to find any vulnerabilities that could lead to leaks or moisture buildup within the structure and provide remedial recommendations.

For property owners, buyers, or investors, a report provides peace of mind by clarifying the condition of the property regarding water resistance. In essence, leaky building inspections can inform purchase decisions, insurance considerations, and maintenance planning.

Pre-Purchase Inspection for Weathertightness

Deciding to purchase a property with monolithic cladding can be fraught with uncertainty due to concerns about potential leaks, decay, and the need for repairs. For any property purchase, a pre-purchase inspection is highly recommended. It becomes especially crucial for homes at risk of moisture intrusion or those previously affected by natural disasters.

Furthermore, if you're considering an apartment or a unit within a townhouse complex, it’s imperative to have the entire complex examined for weathertightness issues—not just the individual unit of interest. This is because the financial responsibility for repairs in other parts of the complex due to leaks may also fall on you, even if your own unit does not have any problems.

Veron Building Consultants can help you make an informed purchasing decision with a comprehensive weathertightness inspection report.

Ensuring Weathertightness in New Constructions

For those planning to build a new home, addressing weather tightness from the outset is crucial. It's essential to engage in open discussions about weathertightness with your architects, designers, and builders. These conversations should cover all aspects of construction to ensure that your future home is protected from moisture-related issues.

Should any weathertightness concerns arise during these discussions, it's wise to consult with Veron Building Consultants as we specialise in building surveys for weathertightness. Investing in expert advice during the planning phase is a strategic move that can save you from future headaches and financial strain.

Secure Your Property’s Future

Don’t wait for the first signs of weather damage to take action. Contact Veron Building Consultants today and arm your property with the ultimate weather defence.

Let us help you ensure that your building stands strong, no matter the weather conditions.

For more information or to discuss how we can help you with leaky buildings , please get in touch.


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